How to select a new Violin? Your Tips..

As a beginner , you will be more worried about the selection of the Violin. Here are your tips when you purchase a Violin.

It is always recommended to buy an Old Violin/used violins. However as a beginner you wont be able to afford the cost of the Violin or to identify an old one. Moreover there are lots of cheaper violin in the market.

The key points to remember when you buy a new Violin.

  •  beginner violin should be of good quality, durable, and easy to play. 
  • It should also be the right fit. Feel the violin in your hands and on your chin and shoulder. 
  • A well-suited and well-fitting violin will feel comfortable and size-appropriate. 
  • You’ll know it when you hold it in the playing position if it is the correct size and feel. 
  • If you’re not sure, try working with a professional music school to help you find a violin with the right fit.

Next, consider the structural components of your violin. They will tell you much about the quality of the instrument and whether it will be a good, lasting purchase. An adult can go for a 4/4 violin. Kids can go for 1/2 violin or 1/4 or 1/8 violins depending upon the hand size of the kid.

The wood quality is very important. Mostly a good violin made with Maple wood and good varnish.
